Our annual Pink Ribbon Bingo is finally back and will be in-person for the first time in 2 years. We can’t wait to see everyone!
Join WSW on Thursday, March 10, 2022 for our 20th Annual Pink Ribbon bingo.
This year our bingo will be held at a new location, Willards Lions Club. Just a short drive East of Salisbury. (36393 Hearn Street, Willards, MD.)
Our usual themed basket prizes with Pampered Chef and Thirty-One will be available and adding this year CASH game prizes, raffles and 50/50.
Doors open at 5:00 PM. Games start at 6:00pm.
Food and Drinks will be available for purchase.
$30 in advance: $40 at the door
Please Note: No one under age 18 admitted.
Limited Seating Available.
No outside food, beverage, or alcohol permitted
COVID protocols are being followed, watch for updates on our social pages and website.
Click here to purchase tickets: https://2022pinkribbonbingo.eventbrite.com